Linux Terminal on Windows 10

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In the past, when you asked someone the question:

How do I get a linux terminal in windows?

The answer was usually Cygwin or a variant thereof. But I found cygwin cumbersome.

But now we are spoilt with an abundance of choice (not complete list below).

Git for Windows

For a long time, I had been using Git for Windows (specifically git bash). I still use it quite a lot today, specifically to upload to github. The great thing I like about Git Bash is that not only can I run linux commands, but also open windows programs as well.The C:\ directory would be visible as /c It is fairly lightweight. I found that to be useful, you need to add other linux utilities like GnuWin (adds commands like wget, make) and MinGW(c/c++ compiler). Download here


Bill S. recommended this program to me for SSH. The more I investigate this program, the more I uncover. The number one feature for me is that X11 forwrding is enabled automatically by default. This means that I can launch a desktop environment on PC remotely just by typing startx. It also comes with a functional Bash shell. Download here

Bash for Ubuntu for Windows

Brilliant, and will get better. Download here

There are now NO excuses for not having a functional linux terminal installed on windows in my view.

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